From innovation to established company

Corporate Innovation - Corporate Venturing

To reach the market and innovation front edge, both large established companies, as well as innovative startups benefit from cooperation. Large corporates need to collaborate with startups to get acces to new techniques. And startups need a first customer that can help them validate and develop the technique and make it market adapted. 

But how should a collaboration be set up to generate best results and benefits for both parties? 
Which model suits best, and at which point should a collaboration ideally start?

Dealflower offers services that facilitates the process we call corporate innovation and corporate venturing. We work with both corporates and startups and are present throughout the entire process – from analysis to established cooperation and an initialised project. 

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Dealflower starts with identifying in what way startups and corporates should best collaborate. Through analysis of both parties’ business needs, we can contribute to a matchmaking for best mutual business value.

We also invent the current resources in the startup – how far have they come with their technical development and what does their financial model look like? How is the team composed today and which compentences to they need to complete with? Within the large corporate organisation we look at the objectives for starting collaborations with startups and how well this type of setup is accepted, and well-seen, internally.


The startups are rapid-moving and innovative, and the large companies contribute with established market channels and a deeper market knowledge. Dealflower knows how the unique preconditions best should be combined. 

Through coaching, the startup can learn how to best make use of the large company’s knowledge and processes, and how these best can be combined with their own technical and service development.

The corporate needs to see the benefits of startup collaboration, and this should ideally be well anchored throughout the organisation. An approval from the CEO is often needed to make it fully sanctioned and thus powerful.  

Dealflower has good insight in different financial models and how private vs. public funding work for cases like this. We can give advice on good and well balanced financial mixes for different types of collaboration. 

Operational support

Dealflower help to establish long-term collaborations; most commonly a spin-out or a joint venture. During the setup phase, Dealflower can take on the role as interim CEO, COO or Head of business development. 

This is what we call Corporate InnovationCorporate Venturing for rent. We offer all the components of such an organisation, without the need for early stage recruiting. Simple and cost-effective. 

Why Dealflower

Dealflower offers a cost-effective solution on how to take advantage of new innovations from startups, and how these can best be used in collaborations with large corporates.

We rapidly bring competence and business benefits to the right level of your organisation, with the aim to maximise the goals of both parties.

We deliver advice and support, that range from needs analysis to a well working model of collaboration. With a single point of contact, we are present throughout the entire project phase, until the establishment of the new company. 

Dealflower has experience from and has worked in many different business branches.

About Dealflower

Fredrik Billing_photo

Dealflower was founded in 2002 by Fredrik Billing.

With more than 25 years experience in business developement and in bringing innovative solutions to business challenges in various branches, I hold a big picture perspective and am used to assessing and enhancing success factors. To evaluate and enhance technical innovations towards a market introduction, especially on markets going through a paradigm shift, has become a special skill. Furthermore, I have thorough knowledge in how to carry out innovation and venture capital activities in large companies.

Through assessment, coaching and venture capital investments in several cleantech startups, I have gained good experience in successful business models for these early stage companies. Via own investments and board activities, I have learnt what these companies need to succeed. Over the years I have held several management positions in various size organisations. I am an experienced leader with good social skills who easily get people around me to feel at ease.